• Erick and his Cartoon-style avatar Fred
  • Erick and his Human-like Avatar David

Avatar SDK

A robust avatar face maker for your users’ fun and privacy.

Technical Requirements

Face Filters SDK supports HTML5, iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Unity, Flutter and React Native. It runs on devices starting from iOS 13+ / Android 6.0+ with a 1280x720 camera (recommended) at min 30 FPS.



OpenGL ES 3.0+
Android 6.0, API level 23+
iOS 13+

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OpenGL 4.3+ (4.1+ for MacOS)
Windows 8.1+
MacOS 10.13+
Ubuntu 18.04+
VC++ 15+ runtime available
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WebGL 2.0+
Mobile: Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Samsung Browser.
Desktop: Chrome, FireFox, Safari.

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3D Avatar SDK Features

  • Reliable copying of movement and facial expressions
  • Vivid and detailed images
  • Works with high facial occlusion
  • Compatible with virtual backgrounds and other effects
  • Integrates in minutes
  • Supports native iOS & Android, Flutter, React Native, Web, Desktop, Unity

Maximum accessibility

Banuba’s 3D avatar SDK is available for all major platforms and browsers. This means your users will be able to access its features no matter their device and location.

Security by design

The technology doesn’t store, process, or transfer any personal data. Everything happens on the user’s device, which automatically makes it compliant with regulations like GDPR.

Engagement and privacy

With the colorful animated characters, people will want to come back to your app and stay on it, prolonging session time and boosting engagement. 3D avatars also let users hide their identity and preserve anonymity, should they want it.

Trusted By 100+ Clients Across The Globe

  • AI avatar generator analyzes your face and locates specific points like corners of mouth and eyes. They get virtually connected with corresponding points in a 3D object – the avatar. As a result, your facial expressions get transferred from your face to the avatar.
  • Banuba Face AR SDK is a good alternative to Avatar SDK. It can create 3D and photorealistic avatars, as well as apply virtual backgrounds, place 3D face masks, modify video feed with color filters, and much more.
  • Avatar SDK is a premade module that can be quickly integrated into an application and allow its users to create 3D and photorealistic avatars. It is distributed as npm/Maven/CocoaPods packages, so it only takes a few lines of code to integrate.
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