Learn the details and welcome to try our Face AR SDK features.

Improved background subtraction
Our background subtraction feature got more accurate and fast. Now, with portrait segmentation, it takes less than a second for a user to remove or replace the background in a photo. And for the real-time background segmentation, the neural network delivers a stable 25 FPS performance on mid-level iOS and Android devices.
Face AR SDK: Background segmentation demo
With AR video conferencing software going mainstream, changing and animating backgrounds becomes a must-have feature. We've been working to bring real-time background subtraction in Unity recently. Now, we are focusing our efforts on the Web version to make this a WFH-feature fully cross-platform. Keep an eye on the updates!
Background changer supports platforms:
- iOS
- Android
- MacOS
- Windows
- Unity
- 25FPS on mid-Android and iOS
- 30-40 FPS on top-Android and iOS
New Web AR API
The new Web AR API empowers developers to integrate face filters into browsers easier and faster. It features a simplified interface and coding samples, so any web developer can jump into creating face-based AR experiences.
What are the API advantages
- Developer-friendly, high-level API for web AR development
- More generic and simplified interface
- Requires a shorter amount of time to add filters to web
- Extended entry threshold for web developers
- Doesn't require 3D graphic and face tracking background knowledge
Visit documentation:
- Web AR API overview
- Getting started
What Web AR features are supported
- Multi-face tracking
- Face filters with morphing, animation, LUT and physically-based rendering
- Realistic virtual try-on for glasses, hats, jewelry
- Makeup filters (without lipstick)
- Face beautification filters
How to get face filters for web
The Web AR API is capable of processing effects as a single .zip file. To create face filters for web, developers need to use the same tools as with SDK.
You can design assets in any 3D graphical editor, then import them into Effect Constructor in .fbx format to set properties. After that, when you're satisfied with your effect performance in the Viewer, you can export and save your web effect as a .zip folder.
Visit our Effect Construction section for detailed tutors on how to convert effects.
New to face filter creation? Our art team shares a bunch of tips on how to create engaging filters that your users will love.
If you don't have time or capacity to develop custom filters, you can license them from our Effect Catalog. All filters are compatible with web, so you may rest assured that users will enjoy quality Face AR experience.
Eye Corrector added
To improve stability and accuracy of eye makeup fitting, we've added an eye corrector to our effects. It provides a significant improvement in eye tracking. The position of the eyelashes is more accurate in the corners of the eyes when turning and tilting the head. The lash line is much smoother.
Eye corrector performance demo
Face tracking performance optimization
We've never stop optimizing our technology to deliver the best possible Face RA experience to your users. This release brings more another significant improvement to our core face detection and tracking algorithms, delivering a faster and more energy-efficient SDK performance.
Other improvements
- Native OSX camera implementation
- Possibility to customize capture session preset (iOS)
- Desktop apps examples for Win and Mac
- Demo effects without face recognition
- Xcode 12 support
We’re working to create one of the most powerful augmented reality development SDKs that enable companies to implement immersive face filters, 3D lens and beauty AR experiences to their projects.
Explore how our Face AR SDK can help you to empower your app with amazing features that your users will love.