We’re always working to create the best user experience in our AI Video Editing platform for developers, businesses and creators. Our monthly SDK overview puts all important release updates for you in one place.
Want to add a video editor with audio editing and AR masks to your app? Explore our Video SDK!

Video Editor SDK release notes
The last month was a busy but exciting time for our video editor development team. Our clients launched several apps with our Video Editor SDK, and we’re so happy to see them succeed. You can learn more about how we integrated our Tiktok-like video editor into Chingari app to empower content creators to share entertaining short videos.
Therefore, recently, we focused mainly on issue fixing and SDK debugging in live apps. Along with that, we also worked on some important new features like Audio Browser. Here’s a quick roundup of SDK release notes and changes by platform.
Release notes Android SDK v1.0.13
- Face tracking updated to Face AR SDK v0.32 to bring our latest advancements in face detection and Face AR masking to our video editor.
- Audio Browser added which allows users to upload songs from the device library or apply AI-generated music.
- GIF size changed when first added making it more convenient for users to apply GIFs to videos.
- Bugs and crashes fixed.
Release notes iOS SDK v1.0.12
- Button "Effects" is removed from post-processing music screens.
- Increased cover image quality for users could wrap their processed videos into nice covers.
- Ability to add the track on the camera screen to be used in the slideshow.
New feature: Audio Effects (iOS, Android)
The Audio Browser feature adds sound effects and music to our video editor. Users can upload songs to their device or select music from the video editor library, shipped via music API. In our case, we used Mubert, but you can also integrate other music APIs, or we can integrate them per your request.
Audio Browser: Music selection
Audio Browser: Music timeline
Audio Browser: Music duration editing
Music from the library
If users want to record a video with a piece of specific music or song, they can upload it on the device. The Audio Browser opens the device music storage and lets users play this track to record a clip or use it at the video processing stage.

The duration can be easily adjusted, so users can cut and use a specific part of the track.
Music from Mubert
Mubert is a streaming service that provides generative music. Generated by AI, this music changes constantly. It doesn't have a clear ending or beginning and doesn't include words.
The generative music won't do for lip-syncing but ideally fits into video recipes, unboxing or dancing use cases. The music files are organized by genre, so users can easily set a rock or jazz mood in their video clips.
Video App Development Tips: Optimal Video Length
What is the optimal video length in social media apps? Developers sometimes feel confused identifying it when developing a short video app. The two-minute rule may work for YouTube, but it loses its relevance on social media.
With our Video Editing SDK, developers can set up custom video durations. The minimum length means the user has to record or trim a video with at least this duration to move to video editing. The maximum video length means the user cannot exceed the value.
If you develop a short video app:
- Keep it ideally between 15 to 90 seconds.
- Set up the min and max video length. The minimal one helps to filter random videos as users may record them unintentionally. The maximal video length improves the user experience since processing long videos takes too much tie and devices resources.
Want to add a native video recorder with cool video effects and AR masks to your app? Explore our Video SDK!